Prof. Minh Tho Nguyen, Program Chair
Institute for Computational Science and Technology, ICST, Ho Chi Minh City
Department of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Belgium
Emails: minh.nguyen@kuleuven.be; tho.nm@icst.org.vn
Prof. Jean Trần Thanh Vân, Director of ICISE
The International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and Education
Email: jtrantv@gmail.com
Dr. Trần Thanh Sơn, Vice Director of ICISE
The International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and Education
Email: tranthanhson@icisequynhon.com
Long Van Duong, Secretary
Science and Technology Advanced Institute, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City
Email: duongvanlong@vlu.edu.vn